Monday, April 22, 2013

Another productive weekend

 the rest of the furniture installed
 the new carpet in
 Cleaning up the stove top with vinegar
 the top needed the most work
 The Bodies! The cushions still drying after their bleach treatment.
 kitchen counter and new faucet. the tambour doors on this cabinet are shot.

 so I just so happened to have some walnut lying around and made up some proper cabinet doors using the tambour as the center to match. (saw someone else do this on the airfourm).
hoping that these weight distribution parts all work together.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

 Getting ready to install the bathroom
 I am starting at the back and working my way forward
 connecting the wiring for the bathroom vanity
 upper cabinet re installed
 Bathtub installed

 under sink
 new vinyl floor
 sink and tub backsplash installed
new toilet installed had to loose the toilet seat cover as the new toilet is taller then the original.
 This old peaterbuilt was the donor for all the new aluminum belly skins .
 bedroom installed (except bed and overheads)

tools of the trade..

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Ok the weather has finally gotten a bit warmer so I got a lot done this past weekend 
 ran all the new propane lines. I rerouted them to be in less precarious positions.
 re installed the command centre with the added new water heater switches.
 The second round of retro brite went much better than the first I am quite amazed at how much whiter everything got. some pieces required more work than others but all are looking good now.

 cushions ready for there bleach and water bath to kill any mold thats in them. (notice how helpful my wife is being in the background)
the makeshift cushion bath.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Wow am I behind on the blog
 cleaned up and repared holes in the belly wraps. I now like to refer to it as Frankinbelly

 building a belly drawer for storage.
 one side made
 ready for clean up and installation
 installed the heat vent for the waste tanks. lets keep that poo from freezing!
 first attempt at retrobrite

 not very successful. (but stay tuned it works out better next time)

 Installing the belly wraps
 Also added the rear belly skin

this is the drawer slide.